|  | Alliance Monthly Equity Discussion – “Talking About Activism in the Classroom” – 1/27 Join a group of peers and colleagues from the early childhood community to engage in sustained learning about anti-racism, equity, and inclusion. The Alliance hosts a monthly, salon-style Equity Discussion Group via Zoom, and the next session is coming up on Friday, January 27 at 1:00 pm. This month’s session, “Talking about Activism in the Classroom,” will be facilitated by Vicky Senni, director of Turtle Island Children's Center, a nature- and play-based early childhood center in Montpelier. Vicky has been an activist for social change for over a decade – specifically in the fields of education, food/nutrition, and labor rights – and a longtime participant in the SPARK Teacher Education Institute, helping educators integrate social justice concepts within the curriculum. This Equity Salon will focus on talking about activism in the classroom, how to involve children, and the role that we as parents and educators have in the building of a better world for all humans and living things. Email Taylor Hughey, Alliance Outreach Manager, at taylor@vecaa.org to register. | | |  | VTAEYC “Advancing as a Profession” Sessions – January and February The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VTAEYC) will be holding sessions over the next few weeks to help the early childhood workforce stay informed on the work of the ”Advancing as a Profession” initiative. The first session will be on Tuesday, January 10, at 6pm, with others to follow. For more information about these sessions and to register, visit the VTAEYC website. | | |  | Reach Up Information Sessions – 1/12, 1/19, and 1/26 Voices for Vermont’s Children will be holding three sessions over three Thursdays in January that will help demystify Reach Up, Vermont’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. These sessions will feature individuals with lived and direct experience working with the system and trying to change it. The sessions will seek to develop a vision of how Vermont can repair the harm caused by poverty and move toward a practice that truly meets the current mission of ensuring that every child’s basic needs are met. - Session 1: What is Reach Up? An exploration of Vermont’s TANF Program – 1/12, 12:00 – 1:00 pm
- Session 2: Reach Up Today - 1/19, 12:00 – 1:00 pm
- Session 3: The Future of Reach Up in VT - 1/26, 12:00 – 1:00 pm
For more information and to register for these sessions, visit the Voices for Vermont’s Children website. | | |  | VBSR Hiring for Public Policy Manager – Deadline 1/19 The Vermont Business for Social Responsibility (VBSR) is hiring a Public Policy Manager to develop and implement VBSR policy programs and advocate for policy priorities developed by VBSR’s Public Policy Committee. The Public Policy Manager advances VBSR’s policy priorities through legislative lobbying and strategies, research, outreach, and education. For more information and to apply, visit the VBSR website. | | |  | Vermont Family Network and Vermont Public – “Building Supportive Communities” – 1/25 Vermont Public and the Vermont Family Network (VFN) are hosting a virtual session to discuss strategies to build supportive communities for those with autism on January 25 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. With the help of clips from the PBS film In a Different Key and a panel of educators, advocates, and those living with autism, they will present ways you can help and will offer an opportunity for participants to share thoughts and questions throughout. For more information and to register, visit the Vermont Public website. | | | | | | | The Vermont Early Childhood Advocacy Alliance is a statewide coalition formed in 2000 of early childhood professionals, parents, organizations, businesses, and strategic partners committed to improving public policies that impact young children between birth and age eight in the areas of health, safety, food security, economic security, and early care and education. The Alliance crafts an annual Legislative Agenda in partnership with early childhood organizations, provides year-round advocacy support, and facilitates meaningful interactions with policymakers at key times during the decision making process. | | | | 7 School Street | Montpelier , Vermont 05602 vecaa.org The Vermont Early Childhood Advocacy Alliance is a program of the Vermont Community Loan Fund. | | | | | | | |