Universal School Meals Action Alert

Governor Scott has proposed eliminating Vermont’s Universal School Meals program, which would leave tens of thousands of students without guaranteed access to the food they need to learn and succeed. This proposal is hidden in his FY26 Recommended Budget as part of his “Education Transformation” plan — but this is not the transformation Vermont families need.

Visit hungerfreevt.org/protect-universal-school-meals to learn more and take action today!


Alliance Monthly Equity Discussion – “What Can Dancing Teach Us About Gender Roles and Identity?” – 2/21   

Join a group of peers and colleagues from the early childhood community to engage in sustained learning about anti-racism, equity, and inclusion. The Alliance hosts a monthly, salon-style Equity Discussion Group via Zoom. Our next session will be held on Friday, February 21, at 1:00 pm.  

The discussion will be led by Alliance Executive Director Matt Levin, who will be joined by members of the Montpelier contra dancing community. Our focus will be on gender roles, identities, and labels, looking at these through the lens of the Montpelier Contra Dance. In recent years this dance has followed a developing trend of using non-gendered “calling” in its dances, creating a unique space for expression, exploration, understanding, and conversation about the roles our society has put into place.  

What does it mean to “lead” and “follow” in a couple’s dance? Are you a “Fred” or a “Ginger”, or is the question irrelevant? What if Ginger had been able to lead? What if neither were leading? 

Register on Zoom to receive the meeting link.


Alliance ‘25 Legislative Agenda Issue Spotlight – Doula Coverage and PCCN – 2/24

The Alliance’s series of virtual Issue Spotlights, which focus on issues from the Alliance’s 2025 Legislative Agenda, continues next week.

Our next session will be held Monday, February 24, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm, and will focus on Medicaid funding for community doula care and the Parent Child Center Network request for funding for their tobacco cessation programs.

Led by representatives from the Doula Association of Vermont and the Vermont Parent Child Center Network (PCCN), this session is a great opportunity to learn more about each of these issues, get an update on how they are progressing in the legislature, and how to get involved. 

Register on Zoom to receive the meeting link.


BBF Publishes Annual Report on Act 76 Monitoring

Act 76, Vermont’s new child care law, names in statute Building Bright Futures (BBF) as the entity responsible for monitoring implementation of the Act’s various elements. BBF submits a report about Act 76 implantation to the House Committee on Human Services and the Senate Committee on Health and Welfare every year.

The report includes key findings from their work with partners across the early childhood education system whose work and data collection enable them to understand the impact of Act 76’s policy changes on families, young children, early educators, and the larger early childhood system. The report elevates both implementation and outcome successes, as well as challenges they will continue to monitor.

This year’s report was submitted last month. BBF is continuing to track the effects of the law’s changes to and investments in Vermont’s child care system.

You can read the report on the BBF website, And learn more by visiting their main Act 76 page.


Save the Date – VTAEYC Annual Conference 10/23-24

Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VTAEYC) is holding their annual conference on October 23 and 24 in Burlington at the Hotel Champlain. This year’s conference theme, “Rhythms of Learning: Unlocking the Power of Creativity”, will explore how creativity can enrich the work with young children and enhance both play and development.

Sessions will examine how creative practices can strengthen connections with children and empower educators to lead with innovation and vision.

For more information, visit the VTAEYC website.


The Vermont Early Childhood Advocacy Alliance is a statewide coalition formed in 2000 of early childhood professionals, parents, organizations, businesses, and strategic partners committed to improving public policies that impact young children between birth and age eight in the areas of health, safety, food security, economic security, and early care and education.

The Alliance crafts an annual Legislative Agenda in partnership with early childhood organizations, provides year-round advocacy support, and facilitates meaningful interactions with policymakers at key times during the decision making process.


Issue Update - Vermont 211

Alliance ‘25 Issue Spotlight – VT 211/Fair Share for Vermont – 2/10; Federal Funding Disruptions – Common Good Survey/Response; 3SquaresVT Awareness Day – 2/6; Mental Health First Aid Training – 3/10

7 School Street | Montpelier , Vermont 05602


The Vermont Early Childhood Advocacy Alliance is a program of the Vermont Community Loan Fund.

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