| ![](/2-20-24_newsletter/606261f3-83e1-415c-af4b-e780d9a84c50.png) | Alliance Legislative Agenda: Weekly Issue Spotlight – Vermont 211 and Parent Child Center Network – 2/26 This winter, the Alliance is hosting virtual Weekly Issue Spotlights leading up to ECDL. Each session focuses on one or two issues from the Alliance’s 2024 Legislative Agenda. Joined by representatives from the lead organizations, participants can ask direct questions and hear a brief legislative update regarding the issues. The next session will be held Monday, February 26, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm, and focuses on two issues on our Legislative Agenda – “Ensuring a Strong and Accessible Vermont 211”, and “Parent Child Center Network Integrated Grant: Fully Fund Vermont’s Parent Child Centers”. Led by Beverly Boget from the Alliance and Claire Kendall from the Parent Child Center Network, this session is a great opportunity to learn more about these issues, where they stand in the Legislature, and how to get involved. | | | | ![](/2-20-24_newsletter/69a86cdd-6bfc-4094-8d56-195b3140783f.png) | Alliance Monthly Equity Discussion – “Managing DEI in Vermont Non-Profits” – 2/23 Join a group of peers and colleagues from the early childhood community to engage in sustained learning about anti-racism, equity, and inclusion. The Alliance hosts a monthly, salon-style Equity Discussion Group via Zoom. Our next session is coming up on Friday, February 23, at 1:00 pm. This month we will hear from folks who oversee DEI work in a Vermont non-profit organization. The discussion will be led by Denise Bailey, Director of Equity, Engagement and Advocacy at Capstone Community Action, and Maria Richards, Director of Data and Operations at Let’s Grow Kids. They will share their insights on bringing the DEI lens to bear in the context of their organizations’ larger goals and strategies. | | | | ![](/2-20-24_newsletter/b877a608-cb33-4a02-9687-bfaccfe64c8e.png) | BBF Launches Early Childhood Data Portal Building Bright Futures has launched an Early Childhood Data Portal as part of VermontKidsData.org. The website has indicators across all sectors that impact children and families: basic needs, child care, child development, demographics, economics, education, housing, mental health, physical health, resilience, prekindergarten education, and workforce. Searchable by topic, geographic region, or policy goal, this is a tool for policymakers and early childhood partners to easily access high-quality, up-to-date data on Vermont’s children, families, and the early childhood system. The site allows users to visualize data across all sectors related to Vermont’s children, families, and the early childhood system in a straightforward way, with the ability for anyone to download full datasets for additional analysis. Visit the Vermont Kids Data website for more information. | | | ![](/2-20-24_newsletter/3bad0efd-1707-422e-b4cb-d2c27b8f0fd2.png) | Vermont Afterschool Conference – 10/24 and 10/25 Vermont Afterschool's 15th Annual Conference has been scheduled for Thursday and Friday, October 24-25, 2024, at Sugarbush Resort in Warren. Thursday will feature a half-day, professional development deep-dive specifically for out-of-school time directors and site coordinators, and Friday will once again bring together Vermont's out-of-school time directors, staff, educators, and partners for a full day of learning, an inspiring keynote, networking, and celebration of the important work you do for Vermont’s children, youth, and families. Stay tuned to the Vermont Afterschool Conference website for more information. | | | ![](/2-20-24_newsletter/70cfe94b-76d7-491c-8a58-b2eb5eaaaaf4.png) | | Register for ECDL 2024 Join us in person for the 30th Annual Early Childhood Day at the Legislature (ECDL) on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, in at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Montpelier (note new date). The issues on our 2024 Legislative Agenda will play central roles at this year’s ECDL, and we are filling the Day's schedule with informative sessions that cover all of our issues and more. Registration will be limited this year because of venue restrictions. We encourage you to register early! To register a group larger than five, please contact Taylor Hughey, Alliance Outreach Manager, at taylor@vecaa.org. Visit the Alliance website for more information about the sessions and to register. | | | | | ![](/2-20-24_newsletter/14d4a755-fdc6-4dfd-8851-bf9eeb458b85.jpg) | | | | The Vermont Early Childhood Advocacy Alliance is a statewide coalition formed in 2000 of early childhood professionals, parents, organizations, businesses, and strategic partners committed to improving public policies that impact young children between birth and age eight in the areas of health, safety, food security, economic security, and early care and education. The Alliance crafts an annual Legislative Agenda in partnership with early childhood organizations, provides year-round advocacy support, and facilitates meaningful interactions with policymakers at key times during the decision making process. | | | | 7 School Street | Montpelier , Vermont 05602 vecaa.org The Vermont Early Childhood Advocacy Alliance is a program of the Vermont Community Loan Fund. | | | | | | | |