Alliance ‘25 Legislative Agenda Issue Spotlight – VT 211/Fair Share for Vermont – 2/10

The Alliance’s series of virtual Issue Spotlights focusing on issues from the Alliance’s 2025 Legislative Agenda continues next week.

Our next session will be held Monday, February 10, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm, and will focus on funding for Vermont 211 and the Fair Share for Vermont Campaign.

Led by representatives from United Ways of VT and Fund Vermont’s Future, this session is a great opportunity to learn more about each of these issues, get an update on how they are progressing in the legislature, and how to get involved. 

Register on Zoom to receive the meeting link.


Federal Funding Disruptions – Common Good Survey/Response

Common Good VT is collecting information on how the Trump Administration’s Executive Orders and other actions are currently impacting Vermont’s non-profit community.

You can provide feedback using this form or emailing with descriptions of the impacts on your organization.

Common Good is also maintaining a website with information on federal policy actions and possible responses to take. 


Save the Date – 3SquaresVT Awareness Day – 2/6

Vermont Foodbank, Hunger Free Vermont, and NOFA-VT have joined together to host an important day of advocacy on Thursday, February 6. They will be in the State House with neighbors, partners, farmers, farmers market managers, restaurateurs, and others to help share the importance of 3SquaresVT/SNAP with policymakers.

Check the Vermont Foodbank blog on Thursday to find the links to tune in remotely to live stream 3SquaresVT Awareness Day testimony in various House and Senate Committees.


Mental Health First Aid Training – 3/10

Lamoille County Mental Health is offering a Mental Health First Aid Training over zoom on Monday, March 10. Mental Health First Aid is a course that teaches how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. The training provides the skills needed to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem or experiencing a crisis.

Prior to the training, attendees will set up an online account and complete a 2-hour training. Then on March 10 there will be an additional 6 hours of training. Training will start at 8:30 am and go through 3:30 pm. There will be a one-hour lunch break mid-day. 

To join this training, please follow this link to sign up. There are 30 slots available, and there is no cost to join this training.


The Vermont Early Childhood Advocacy Alliance is a statewide coalition formed in 2000 of early childhood professionals, parents, organizations, businesses, and strategic partners committed to improving public policies that impact young children between birth and age eight in the areas of health, safety, food security, economic security, and early care and education.

The Alliance crafts an annual Legislative Agenda in partnership with early childhood organizations, provides year-round advocacy support, and facilitates meaningful interactions with policymakers at key times during the decision making process.


Issue Update - Fair Share for Vermont

Alliance Issue Spotlight – State Budget Update – 2/3; United Ways of Vermont Hiring Executive Director – Applications Due 2/8; Alliance Monthly Equity Discussion – 2/21; Join the Alliance

7 School Street | Montpelier , Vermont 05602

The Vermont Early Childhood Advocacy Alliance is a program of the Vermont Community Loan Fund.

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