During this critical time, many are working hard to balance emergency response protocols with their year-round service to the early childhood community. The Alliance is here to help. Our dedication to advocacy on behalf of Vermont’s young children and families does not waver in times of crisis. Strategic, compassionate, and collaborative responses are key to ensuring the well-being of Vermont’s youngest. If there is anything Alliance staff can do to support you or your organization during this time, please let us know. | |
Update on State House Activity and COVID-19 Response The Vermont State House has been closed since Monday, March 16. This week, Senate Committees, House and Senate Caucuses, and the Joint Rules Committee have been discussing essential business, primarily COVID-19 responses, on public conference calls. House Committees will begin doing so on March 23. Right now, Senate committees are assessing what emergency response actions can be taken at the state level or by executive order from Governor Scott, as well as the impact of packages passed by U.S. Congress. These discussions will inform what is included in the state's first response package, which at this point we expect the House and Senate to vote on next week. Current statutes do not allow the House and Senate to vote on bills while working remotely. Legislative leaders are discussing how best to address those challenges. In the meantime, the Governor and U.S. Congress have taken action to provide some relief to the healthcare industry, small businesses, and individuals and families impacted by COVID-19. The Alliance thanks them for their efforts and looks forward to additional protections and relief packages to address the needs of Vermont’s young children, families, and early childhood workforce. The Alliance will continue to update our network as more information becomes available. Visit the Vermont Legislature’s website for details. | |
Updated Guidance from Vermont CDD Regarding Childcare The Vermont Child Development Division (CDD) released updated guidance yesterday, March 19, about COVID-19 developments. CDD will work to connect essential workers who need child care with options for their children through the web form developed by Let's Grow Kids. Throughout school closures, the Child Care Financial Assistance Program will continue to pay for currently eligible children to help programs get through this difficult time. The State of Vermont is developing a program to financially support child care programs whose enrolled families are unable to afford paying tuition or co-payments during this Closure Period. Detailed information about all of these issues can be found on the CDD website. | |