Alliance Monthly Equity Discussion on Children’s Mental Health – 4/15 Join a group of peers and colleagues from the early childhood community to engage in sustained learning about anti-racism, equity, and inclusion. The Alliance hosts a monthly, salon-style Equity Discussion Group via Zoom, and the next session is coming up on Friday, April 15, at 1:00 pm. We are excited to announce that this session will be facilitated by Cheryle Wilcox, the Interagency Planning Director of the Vermont Department of Mental Health. In honor of May being Mental Health Awareness Month, we'll be looking ahead and discussing how to incorporate the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion in children's mental health service delivery. Please email Dan Brown, Alliance Public Engagement Director, at to register. |
|  | End of Legislative Session Target is May 7 Legislative leaders have started to talk about the end of this year's legislative session. The current target is May 7, but don’t be surprised if things stretch out a bit longer. Still, the end of session is definitely in sight. Senate Appropriations Chair Kitchel has targeted this Friday, April 15 as the Committee’s goal for finishing their work on the Senate budget. Work also continues on a number of other key proposals in the final stages of negotiations, including Universal School Meals, several housing bills, and COVID-related wage replacement, among others. In other words, now is the time to speak out! We encourage you to get in touch with the lead organizations working on Legislative Agenda issues you care about and ask them how you can support their efforts. Let us know how we can support you and have your voice be heard on issues of concern. |
| |  | April is Fair Housing Month Fair Housing is the right to equal opportunity in housing choice and the right to rent or buy a dwelling free from discrimination. The federal Fair Housing Act passed into law in April 1968, and every year its anniversary is celebrated to underscore its continued importance to Vermont communities. Fair Housing Month activities in Vermont are coordinated by the Fair Housing Project of CVOEO, with collaboration from various Vermont community partners. Virtual and in-person activities include workshops, community discussions, library events, the all-ages HeART & Home Community Art Project, and an art contest and exhibit. The full schedule of Fair Housing Month events are at For more information, email Do you have a housing activity, event, or idea you would like to share? Would you like to participate in the Heart & Home Community Art Project? Fill out this form! |
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