The Vermont Early Childhood Advocacy Alliance is a statewide coalition formed in 2000 of early childhood professionals, parents, organizations, businesses, and strategic partners committed to improving public policies that impact young children between birth and age eight in the areas of health, safety, food security, economic security, and early care and education.

The Alliance crafts an annual Legislative Agenda in partnership with early childhood organizations, provides year-round advocacy support, and facilitates meaningful interactions with policymakers at key times during the decision making process.


New State Initiatives to Support Child Care, BBF Webinar, Alliance Equity Discussion Group, Meet the Leads

Vermont Afterschool Sign On Letter, COVID-19 Relief Grants, VCLF Webinar Series, Meet the Leads, Alliance Membership

15 State Street | Montpelier , Vermont 05602

The Vermont Early Childhood Advocacy Alliance is a program of the Vermont Community Loan Fund.

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