| ![](/governors-budget-address/119c00dd-ff81-4f6c-8b87-e53145be3535.jpg) | The Alliance's weekly newsletter includes policy updates, legislative news, and events related to the Alliance's Legislative Agenda. Stay informed by checking the Alliance's Facebook page. To share early childhood advocacy news with the Alliance to be included in future updates, email Sarah Galbraith at sarah@vecaa.org. | | | | Governor's Budget Includes Proposals for Early Childhood In his annual Budget Address yesterday, Governor Scott unveiled details of the policy proposals and spending priorities included in his Recommended Budget for FY20. The budget will include proposals related to a number of issues on the Alliance's 2019 Legislative Agenda, including child care, housing, and family and medical leave. The Governor has proposed a $7 million increase in funding for the Child Care Financial Assistance Program (CCFAP), as well as a redesign of the program to "improve efficiency and data collection." The increase would be supported through additional revenues from internet sales taxes. While the details of the program changes are still unclear and the funding source will be heavily scrutinized by the Legislature, we are encouraged that the Governor has recognized the child care funding crisis and has concrete ideas for investment. The Governor's budget includes funding for the voluntary family and medical leave insurance proposal he unveiled last week. Legislative leaders are beginning to take testimony on his plan, and will be comparing it to the universal program which they passed last year and will be considering again this year. The budget also includes proposals to increase support for affordable housing development and a $2 million increase in funding for the Family Services Division of the Department for Children and Families. The money would be used to hire staff to handle increased caseloads as a result of the opiate epidemic. The House Appropriations Committee began digging into the details of the Governor's proposals immediately after the speech, and other House committees are beginning their reviews as well. Look for more information on each of these issues from the Alliance and our lead organizations in the coming weeks. | | | Early Care and Learning Press Conference Coordinated by Let's Grow Kids Tuesday, January 29 at 11:45 am, Cedar Creek Room, Vermont State House, Montpelier Legislative champions for early care and learning and Let's Grow Kids will host a press conference to announce a bill to implement recommended changes to the Child Care Financial Assistance Program (CCFAP), as well as supports for early educators. Alliance members are encouraged to attend and show support for the early care and learning issues on the Alliance's 2019 Legislative Agenda, including CCFAP, TEACH scholarships, and a loan repayment program. | | | Let's Grow Kids Seeks Organizations to Sign on to 2019 Legislative Action Agenda Let's Grow Kids has been working with stakeholders over the past several months to draft a Legislative Action Agenda for 2019. It reflects input and best practices from many partners and lays out a set of priorities to set our state's core commitment to early care and learning, building on the recent recommendations from the Building Vermont's Future from the Child Up Think Tank. Let's Grow Kids is inviting organizations, child care providers, and other stakeholders, to add their name to their agenda in support of the proposals that will strengthen the foundation of Vermont's early care and learning system. To sign on to the 2019 Legislative Action Agenda, email Anna Brouillette at annab@letsgrowkids.org. | | | Registration is Open for Early Childhood Day at the Legislature Registration has opened for this important annual day of advocacy and skill-building workshops. Early Childhood Day at the Legislature (ECDL) is an annual day of advocacy, education, and networking that brings together early childhood professionals and providers, parents, employers, business owners, and policymakers to engage on early childhood issues. The 25th annual event is co-hosted by the Vermont Early Childhood Advocacy Alliance, Let's Grow Kids, and Building Bright Futures. Thanks to ECDL's generous co-sponsors: The Turrell Fund, Vermont Department for Children and Families - Child Development Division, Vermont Department of Health – Maternal Child Division, Vermont Community Loan Fund, Let's Grow Kids, Vermont Child Care Industry and Careers Council, Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children, Vermont Head Start Association, Prevent Child Abuse Vermont, Concept2, Vermont Children's Trust Foundation, Voices for Vermont's Children, Vermont Child Care Providers Association, Help Me Grow, Vermont Parent Child Center Network, and Winston Prouty Center for Child and Family Development. The event agenda includes issue and advocacy workshops, lunch with legislators, state house tours, a rally for kids, a birthday party celebrating 25 years of ECDL, and more. Stay tuned for a detailed agenda to be released in February. Visit the Alliance website to register online and download the registration flyer to share with your networks. | | | | | | The Vermont Early Childhood Advocacy Alliance is a statewide coalition formed in 2000 of early childhood professionals, parents, organizations, businesses, and strategic partners committed to improving public policies that impact young children between birth and age eight in the areas of health, safety, food security, economic security, and early care and education. The Alliance crafts an annual Legislative Agenda in partnership with early childhood organizations, provides year-round advocacy support, and facilitates meaningful interactions with policymakers at key times during the decision making process. | | | | 15 State Street | Montpelier , Vermont 05602 https://vecaa.org The Vermont Early Childhood Advocacy Alliance is a program of the Vermont Community Loan Fund. | | | | | | | |