This Issue Update newsletter is part of a series that provides more information on each priority issue on the Alliance's 2023 Legislative Agenda. The Legislative Agenda is crafted annually in partnership with early childhood organizations that are advancing legislative policy solutions related to health, safety, food security, economic security, and early care and education. The eight priority issues were selected by the Alliance's 21 member Steering Committee.


Parent Child Center Network Integrated Grant

Parent Child Centers (PCCs) were established in Vermont statute in the late 1990s. Since that time, the PCCs' network of providers has become more formalized and has worked to establish consistency and quality in service delivery for families across the state. Last year, Act 150 recognized the Parent Child Center Network as a formal partner with the state to provide essential services to families with young children.

PCCs provide universal access across Vermont. There are 15 Centers that serve the 12 service delivery regions in Vermont, serving all families in all geographic regions. Each PCC is a community-based welcoming hub that is responsive to community needs and interests and provides support and services for families at low or no cost to participants. As a collaborative network, they aim to support families across the state, build healthy communities, and reduce the likelihood of child abuse and neglect.

While PCCs perform critical functions, decades of underfunding by the state has caused significant challenges for paying PCC staff competitive wages. An increase in the PCC Integrated Grant funding would allow PCCs to increase wages and/or benefits to be competitive in the workforce marketplace, so that families with young children can receive consistent, high-quality services and supports from people that they know and trust.

This year, the PCC Network continues to focus on increasing the base funding for the PCC Integrated Grant, which is the funding source for their partnership with the state. Their advocacy goal for FY24 is to have the Integrated Grant funded at $10 million. The Governor’s Recommended FY24 Budget level-funds the Grant at $4.8 million. The FY24 Budget currently being considered by the House increases that base by $2 million, to a total of $6.8 million.  The Network supports the House proposal while they continue advocating for funding increases in the Senate’s FY24 Budget proposal.

Continue reading for more information on this priority issue, including data and talking points, connections to the lead organization, and advocacy tools.


Data and Talking Points

  • Parent Child Centers were a remarkable innovation when they were first created nearly 30 years ago, and they are still on the cutting edge of prevention work with vulnerable families.
  • The work that PCCs do helps families cope successfully with both the timeless challenges of all families with young children and the new challenges of the 21st century. 
  • PCCs are a critical partner with the state, providing essential state services to families with young children. 
  • PCC prevention programs and services build protective factors in families that improve families’ overall well-being, strengthen a child’s environment, and reduce the likelihood of abuse and neglect. 

Lead Organization

Vermont Parent Child Center Network
The Vermont PCC Network includes 15 centers around the state that help families make sure children get off to a healthy start. Services include early childhood services, home visits to families with young children, playgroups, parent education, parent support, and information and referral.


Resources and Advocacy Tools


Get Involved


The Vermont Early Childhood Advocacy Alliance is a statewide coalition formed in 2000 of early childhood professionals, parents, organizations, businesses, and strategic partners committed to improving public policies that impact young children between birth and age eight in the areas of health, safety, food security, economic security, and early care and education.

The Alliance crafts an annual Legislative Agenda in partnership with early childhood organizations, provides year-round advocacy support, and facilitates meaningful interactions with policymakers at key times during the decision making process.


7 School Street | Montpelier , Vermont 05602

The Vermont Early Childhood Advocacy Alliance is a program of the Vermont Community Loan Fund.

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